Monday, February 9, 2009

The Weirdest Substitute I've EVER Had

OH MY GOD...this sub was crazy... I don't know what they clown's name was, but she was talking about "Kid's don't have stress or privacy" and "everything of a child's is an adults business." No, no, she didn't say the parent, she said the adult. WHAT TYPE OF PETAPHILE STUFF SHE BE ON?????? Lost my track of grammar there, but for real, I don't even think she got kids of her own. No, we couldn't have the eigth grade sub that smelled a lot, or the man who spits when he talks, or the lady who everybody was afraid of. But we had to have the sub who had an f-ed up childhood and ironically became a sub to somewhat "teach us" a lesson. I was so upset. Gurl trying to say my business is hers...I'M QUITE PISSED!!! The whole class argued with that dummy!!!