Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Worst Thing a Parent Could Do To a Child

The worst thing a parent could do to a child is lie to them. My father has never lied to me and I know he never will. On the other hand, my grandparents (which are his parents) have lied to me. It'd be about stupid little stuff that wasn't even necessary for them to lie about. Like when it was my friend's birthday and I asked my grandfather for a ride to the suburbs. He said he he couldn't take me cuz he had to go to the doctor. IT STARTED AT 7!!! What doctor's office or clinic is open at 7 at night? ESPECIALLY for an elderly person. Anyway, my daddy couldn't take me because he was at work all the way in Elk Grove Village and since it was such a far distance, he was transfering to a closer FedEx in the city. So his co-workers were throwing a going-away party for him. I stayed at home. No party. No fun. Just "grandma" and "grandpa". Hold up..."grandpa" was supposed to leave for a "doctor's appointment." I asked him if he was still going. He felt salty and confessed that he didnt have one. He didn't fell like taking me. BOGUS! Another time, my brother was in and out the hospital and my father had to take him. So it was just us three in the house. Nothing in the refrigerator. They went to Wendy's and didn't buy me anything. I asked my grandmother if she had like a good 2 or 3 dollars to get something to each. I didn't know they had Wendy's until I went downstairs to ask. They bangin they little "spicy chicken sandwiches", but where's mine. I asked and she said "I don't have anything, I have bills to pay" and etc, etc. But once again, they felt salty and gave me 2 dolars. Little did they know, I had 18, but that was my birthday money and I already spent about 30 for my brother's medicine. So I blew it all on my bellybutton piercing and waited for my dad to get home. Well, even though I sound like they evil one here, they still didn't have to lie. I'm getting older, so if I don't want to do something or whatever, I know I have to speak my mind. That's how you get repsect anyway- not to say I don't repsect my grandparents, buit when they do childish stuff like that, it's hard to.


JuJu's World said...

htat is true some people just lie just to do it .It could be about the littest things. They will lie just to prove a point or to make themselves look better