Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If You Were a Mutant Like One of the X-Men, Who Would You Be or What Power Would You Have?

I would be a mutant with the power to be invisible. And whoever's hand I was holding or if I was to concentrate on a person, they could become invisible with me. We'd walk through walls, scare people, get on airplanes, ride the bus for free, sneak into other areas of the school, go through people's house (but not steal anything), go to the grocery store late at night and eat up all the food, stay out all night, and soooo much more. If I couldn't have that, I'd want to be a mutant like Mystic in the X-Men movies (without the blueness and the nudity). She can turn into any living thing she sees. I'd be anyone who interested me on Sunday, Sydney on Monday, Lil' Wayne on Tuesday and live in his shoes a little, Barak Obama on Wednesday and live as president-elect for a day, someone in this school like a student or teacher, just to keep things intersting each week on Thursday, one of my friends on Friday, and maybe myself again on Saturday. I'd raise soooooooo much havoc and caos if I had were a mutant. The world would have a new public enemy.

If I Had to Descibe Myself as a Color Which Color Would I Choose?

If I had to describe myself as a color, I'd choose green. It's my favorite color anyway. But it's funny, it's happy, it can be mean, sad, mad, relax, and extra cool. I'd be a pretty lime green, because it's unique, brilliant, fun, and outgoing. Green, of all things, is peaceful and serene. I guess, out of all the colors, green would be the life of the party; the crazy, cute and bubbly person that after awhile gets wild and fun. That's exactly how my personality is. I always make people laugh and I am a good source of energy. Green also represents energy, like when you play a video game and the character is in good health, the health bar is full and green. I love the color green because all that green stands represents me!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I have been here in Chicago for most of my 16 vyears of life. I live on the southside of Chicago, "Killaward". Some people say that this city has a bad rep like living in my area can get you killed and there's nothing but criminals here. But honestly, if I could live anywhere else in the U.S., I'd stay right here. I love the people, I love areas, and I love all the stuff you can do here. Put it this way; just five dollars for a one-day bus pass can give you the most ultimate 24-hours of fun you've ever had. Shop downtown, go to the movies, to the beach, the malls, go out to eat, and so much more. The best time to enjoy Chicago is the summertime. Luckly, my birthday is during then, and I can never fit all I want to do for my b-day into one day. It takes the whole week! Other than all the places to go is seeing all the people. I believe that Chicago is materialistic, but not as much as New York or some city in California. We buy our lil' Recs and Nikes and Jordans and such, but we don't blow about 1,000 on just one pair or a stupid purse. Maybe I'm speaking from a teenager's point of view, but the people I know are fresh and don't bragg about it. I love being a teenager growing up on the southside of Chicago because it also taught me how to be independent. I can take the bus anywhere and the train and not get lost. I've also gained a lot of street smarts here. I know where to go and where not to go at certain times of the day, I know what to say and what not to say when meeting people from different parts of the city, and I know how to survive and get along with kids in these public high schools. There are a lot of negatives in this city, but actually, the positives override the negatives. There's so much more to be said about this city, but I don't think I can summarize all the details about it. Chicago has made me the smart, outgoing, funny, and creative person I am today and I am proud to say I'm a Chicagoan. I rep da Chi to da fullest!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Syd Da Sqiud's Ultimate Driving Experience

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sydney, but her friends liked to called her Squidy. For what reason, I don't know, but I digress, Squidy was her name, and driving was the game. She loved to drive; you know, push the petal to the metal, feel the wind in her hair, getting her kicks on Route 66 (or maybe not). Squidy loved everything about driving. However, she long for a car she could really ride in. Something that fitted her crazy, sexy, cool, but modest personality. One day, Squidy was breezing through the newpaper and she was an ad for a 96' Chevy Impala. She couldn't believe her eyes. "ONLY 1,300 DOLLARS!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!", she shouted with joy. But how could she get the money. Squidy decided to rob a bank and use her goody friend Mykenya Simmons as an alias. So they caught Mykenya and threw her in the slammer. She bought the Impala, but sadly, it was beat up. She needed about 6,000 more to get it fixed up. So she robbed a jewelry store and used her other friend's name Chavonne Candler. They caught Chavonne and ironically put Chavonne in they same cell as Mykenya. Squidy got the car fixed up nice with 20 inch rims, candyapple green paint on the top and black on the bottom, and a nice sound system. Doesn't sound too femine, but that's how Squidy rolls. Squidy had it all; the swag, the car, but she didn't have enough friends. Only Shamaria and Elaina. But both of her friend's nail put together was 20,000 dollars. So Squidy robbed another bank and set up Jamila Neal to take the heat. Jamila, some how, got 10 years probation, and she was able to come along for the drive. So they all put on their best outfit, packed their things and drove all the way to Atlanta to see they sexy singles and ride around in Squidy's Chevy. She banged nothing but they best music in her car, and when they got back, Squidy had to pay the car note. 300 dollars. This time, Jamila robbed the bank, payed the car note, and set Squidy up for the heat. She stole Squidy's car! "That's a really swift kick in the assets", said Squidy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Bravest Thing I Have Ever Done

I haven't really done anything brave in my life, but I guess being brave doesn't necessarily mean saving someone or risking your life for something. Brave just means being courageous. I guess, recently, the bravest or couragous thing I have done was not cry when I cut myself with a razor on Saturday. As stupid as it sounds, I was brave enough to not cry or panic. I cut myself pretty bad and it is a big gash. Note to self and all the pubilc: Never use Gillette Triple Razors to shave your legs (ha). This will sound a little disturbing, but I have to change the bandage every time I shower. It hurts because sometimes, the bandage got stuck to the cut. Ewww! I said I never really did anything brave in my life, but I guess that counts for something....