Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If You Were a Mutant Like One of the X-Men, Who Would You Be or What Power Would You Have?

I would be a mutant with the power to be invisible. And whoever's hand I was holding or if I was to concentrate on a person, they could become invisible with me. We'd walk through walls, scare people, get on airplanes, ride the bus for free, sneak into other areas of the school, go through people's house (but not steal anything), go to the grocery store late at night and eat up all the food, stay out all night, and soooo much more. If I couldn't have that, I'd want to be a mutant like Mystic in the X-Men movies (without the blueness and the nudity). She can turn into any living thing she sees. I'd be anyone who interested me on Sunday, Sydney on Monday, Lil' Wayne on Tuesday and live in his shoes a little, Barak Obama on Wednesday and live as president-elect for a day, someone in this school like a student or teacher, just to keep things intersting each week on Thursday, one of my friends on Friday, and maybe myself again on Saturday. I'd raise soooooooo much havoc and caos if I had were a mutant. The world would have a new public enemy.